Mines Ministry Decides to Annul the Auction of Nayakkarpatti Tungsten Mineral Block

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Delhi, Jan 23
Union Minister of Coal and Mines, Shri G. Kishan Reddy met with Ambalakarars (traditional community leaders) from Madurai district of Tamil Nadu at the Minister’s chamber in the Ministry of Mines, New Delhi.

The Ambalakarars informed the Union Minister that the Nayakkarpatti Tungsten mineral block includes the Arittapatti Biodiversity Heritage Site and a number of cultural heritage sites.

It may be noted that Ministry of Mines in a press release dated 24th December, 2024 had stated that after auction of the block, a number of representations have been received against the said auction on the ground that there is a Biodiversity Heritage Site within the block area.

During the meeting on 22nd January, 2025, the Ambalakarars requested the Union Minister to cancel the auction of the Nayakkarpatti Tungsten block. The Union Minister patiently heard the delegation and expressed that the Union Government fully supports the bio diversity heritage protection.

After detailed deliberations, considering the importance of the Biodiversity Heritage Site in the area and the commitment of the Government of India under Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s leadership towards protecting traditional rights, it has been decided to annul the auction of Nayakkarpatti Tungsten mineral block.