CSIR-NIScPR Signs MoU with Gurugram University to Collaborate and Serve Society through Science

Delhi, Sept 25
CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) signed an MoU with the Gurugram University on 24th September 2024 at the NIScPR’s Vigyan Sanchar Bhawan, Pusa Campus, New Delhi. This MoU will open up new windows for the both the institutions in the service of society. The key areas of this memorandum of understanding are science communication, STI policy research, traditional knowledge and many more. On the occasion of this MoU signing, the Director of CSIR-NIScPR and Vice Chancellor of Gurugram University shared their views about the significance and need of this MoU.
Shri Rajesh Kumar Singh Roushan, Controller of Administration, CSIR-NIScPR and Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Registrar, Gurugram University signed and exchanged the MoU. Dr. Sarala Balachandran, Chairperson, Department of Chemistry; Dr. Dwivedi, Head, Nursing; and Dr. Rakesh Yogi, Chairperson, Media Studies, Gurugram University also joined the program. CSIR-NIScPR has seven decades legacy of science communication and science policy research. On 13th-14th November 2024, CSIR-NIScPR in collaboration with Gurugram University is going to organise an International Conference on Communication and Dissemination of Traditional Knowledge (CDTK-2024). Last date for early bird registration for CDTK-2024 is 30th September 2024.