Workshop on ‘Capacity Building Workshop on Monitoring Frameworks of Sustainable Development Goals, Compilation of Environment Accounts, and Gender Statistics’ during 23-24th January, 2025, Bhopal

Network Readiness Index

Delhi, Jan 22
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) constantly endeavours to have good quality robust data. Keeping this in view the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) is organising Two-days capacity building workshop on ‘Monitoring Frameworks of Sustainable Development Goals, compilation of Environment Accounts, and Gender statistics during 23-24 January 2025, Bhopal’. This capacity building workshop is co-organised by Government of Madhya Pradesh with the Technical Support by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) India. The workshop has the prime aim of capacity development in three crucial aspects- SDGs, environment and gender which will enable facilitation of evidence-based decision. The workshop will have participation from line Ministries, State/UT Departments and other International agencies to discuss critical issues as well as to share best practices.

The workshop will witness the presence of Deputy Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh along with UN Resident Coordinator, Secretary (Ministry of Statistics & PI), Director General (Central Statistics), Chief Secretary, Government of Madhya Pradesh and Principal Secretary (Planning), Government of Madhya Pradesh. Also, a report titled ‘Ocean Ecosystem Accounts in India- A Framework: A report by the Expert Group’ will be released during the event.

The day 1 of the workshop will be dedicated to the discussions on SDGs, with key sessions on core indicators, sub-national frameworks and the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in achieving the SDGs. There will be talks by various reputed agencies viz. NITI Aayog, MoSPI and UNDP. A special session has also been arranged to explore the state-level SDG implementation with Madhya Pradesh offering a detailed case study of its efforts in integrating SDGs into local governance.

The day 2 of the workshop will be delved into the critical topics of environment and gender. Sessions will include highlights on the importance of environmental accounts, ecosystem services valuation, and the role of gender statistics in shaping policies that promote women’s empowerment and gender equality. Experts will share global best practices on environmental data and gender statistics, emphasizing the need for better data collection and integration into policy-making processes.